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5th Anniversary celebrations in Kazakhstan


On the 07th February 2013 Rigmarine Kazakhstan LLP celebrated its 5th Year since starting its operations in the ROK. A lot has been achieved during that time through shear hard work, dedication, great staff teamwork & on going Internal/External personal training. From very humble beginnings with 5 employees it has so far grown to +30 very experienced Office/Operational Staff with a Local Content figure in the high 90% region. The biggest highlight as a Company for us so far has been the achievement of gaining our ISO9001-2008 Accreditation through LRQA which stands us in very good stead as we move forward & continue to offer the High Quality Service/Supply we have always strived to give our most valued clients. All RMK staff would like to thank the Owners of the Company & other Rigmarine Group Company’s along with all our valued, dedicated clients for all their help & support during our first 5 Years here in the ROK.