Rigging Loft Management & Rigging Services

Rigmarine supplies fully equiped and comprehensive rigging lofts complete with turnkey management systems.

Rigging Loft imageSuch systems will handle full control and management of all portable lifting equipment and accessories ensuring that our clients are working in complete accordance with the lifting regulations.

Our fully containerized rigging lofts are kitted to suit the type of working environment that they are to be utilized in, with the option of being either client owned or rented on a 6 monthly rotational basis.

The basic function of such rigging lofts is to ensure that all portable lifting equipment and accessories are:

  • Correctly stored to reduce the risk of accidental damage and to slow down deterioration.
  • Effectively controlled to ensure no unauthorized use.
  • Given pre-use checks by a competent person prior to use.
  • Removed from service when their condition has deteriorated such that they are no longer in good repair and quarantined prior to returning for repair.

Rigmarine can also provide Qualified Rigging Supervisors who plan and conduct lifting operations and equipment movements to the highest degree of HSE compliance.

This would include:

  • Lifting/Moving Assessment
  • Method statements and lift plans
  • Lift Supervision and Management
  • Crane and transport assessments